Nacho Pascual

Nacho Pascual
Group Leader
Ikerbasque professor


Nacho Pascual obtained a PhD in Physical Sciences in 1998 from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Department of Condensed Matter Physics. His studies about quantum electronic transport through atoms and molecules using scaning tunnelling microscopy contributed to the settlement of a new research field in nanoelectronics. 

In 1999, he moved to Berlin, to the Fritz-Haber Institute der Max-Planck Gesselschaft, hosting there a Marie Curie Fellowship to investigate the rules behind single-molecule vibrational spectroscopy, a newly developed method to characterize chemically absorbates with STM. After a short stay in Barcelona, at the Institut de Ciencia de Materiales (ICMAB-CSIC), hosting a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship, he moved back to Berlin, now to the Freie Universität, first (2004) as a Junior Professor and posteriorly (2008) as full Professor.  There, he expanded his research in the field of Molecular Physics at Surfaces, dealing with various molecular-scale phenomena, from molecular switching behaviour and charge transfer processes, to magnetism and superconductivity.

In 2012, he joined nanoGUNE as Ikerbasque Research Professor and Group Leader of the Nanoimaging group.